Title :
Fire Emble Awakening
Console :
Nintendo 3ds
Developper :
Itelligent System
Published by Nintendo
Release Date (NA) :
February 4 2013
I must tell you the truth. Before playing this game, It's been several month the game was laying on my games shelf. After doing Pokemon X, I was still in a big gaming mood and I decided to go fo it. First, I must say I already played the Fire Emblem series before and for people who knows the game, when a character die in that game, he d-i-e-s... no ressurection possible. Since I'm not a big fan of that and I was not so eager to enter this type of gameplay since usualy I tend to ragequit in the middle of the game (shame on me). In this one however, they decided to go more 'casual'. The player has the choice to select a Normal mode where your character can be resurected after a combat if they die. So since I'm a big lazy chicken, I chosed the normal mode so I can take it more easely. Even though I try that no character dies when I play, if it's happen, I don't have to redo the battle.
So, when I decided to give it a try, I was saying to myself that I could play it in lost time, slowly. Finally I finished it with 40+ hours done in less than 2 weeks. I really enjoyed this game and everything in it was just perfect. The story was good even though I don't remember much but you still want to continue to play to know more about it. I also really liked the combat animation. There were really fluid and juste nice to watch over and over. I like also the visual of the character even though it was a strange decision to not make feet to the characters. However, I strongly recommend this game to any person who own a 3ds and love tactical RPGs.