mercredi 12 novembre 2014

Y's 1 & 2 (Steam)

Title :
Ys 1 & 2 Chronicles

Console : 

Developper :
Nihon Falcom
Published by Xseed Games

Release Date (NA) :
February 14 2013

I've known the Y's serie for a pretty long time. I remember the III, who available on the Snes, and I never liked it at the time. Must be because I was finding it to hard or maybe it was not a turn base RPG...? I dunno. However, I purchased Y's Chronicles on steam at a good price on steam and decided to finnaly give it a go, since I was looking for a game that would not take too long to do. I was right, since the first took me about 5 hours and the second almost 10.

I must say I really liked the two of them. It is a fast paced game where you don't have much time to think about your moves and just rush into the action. The combat system is pretty simple. You just have to dash into the ennemy to hit him. You have to be pretty carefull though to not hit them face to face how you will lose HP. At first I was not sure about that system but after some adjustment and try, I got used to it.

For Y's one, the first hour is pretty though. I died a lot and had to retry often. Until I got my first level, then all was to easy afterward until the last boss. You can only get 10 level in Y's 1. However, the challenge was better in Y's, were you cap at level 50. It's true I could have play in hard mode, but I'm not this kind of player.