vendredi 12 septembre 2014

Wild Arms 1 (PS1)

Title :
Wild Arms 1

Console : 
PlayStation 1
(Available on PSN also)

Developer :
Media Vision

Release Date (NA) :
April 30 1997

I remember when I saw for the first time the cover if Wild Arms. I was at my favorite video game rental shop (Mega Jeux) and when I took a look behind the cover, I was blown away that the combat was in full 3D. I just wanted to play it so badly, however I didn't have a PlayStation console at that time since I decided instead to get an N64 for Christmas (Dat bad choice)... It took another Christmas for me to finally have a Playstation. (Awww yeah!) So after playing FF7, Vandal Hearts and some other great RPGs, I finally decided to give a go to Wild Arms and was not deceived by it, but I can remember much unfortunately.

So more than 15 years later, I decided to redo it to see if it was still as cool as it was in my memories. Oh and since I was playing the PSN version, I could transfer my game on my PSP and bring it on the bus when I go to work. Pretty cool feature, that exist for years was my first time using it...and it was cool...however. So, after the first hour, I was totally in the game. These 2d Sprites are still wonderful and was rendering decently on my LCD TV (thanks to the PS3 filtering for PS1 games). However, we can't say much of the 3D combat scene. There are not as cool as the first time I saw them. Also, the combat animations are very bad and slow, but this is all to be expected from a technology that was on is first debut at the time. It's just sad that the combats are not up to the 2D sprite environment.Because of that, it could stop some user to try this game.

Anyway, I suggest this game to any JRPG fan. I must mention also that they have made a remake of it on PS2. This will surely be my other game that I will start after Bravely Default 
is done.

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